Human Trafficking Training in St. Louis
Over 30 Associates and Sisters gathered on Sunday, July 30 for a training on Human Trafficking by Anna Foster, MSW who specializes in international, social and economic development, human rights policy, and social work practice with immigrants and refugees. Anna works at the International Institute of St. Louis as the Task Force Coordinator for the Eastern District of Missouri Human Trafficking Task Force where she coordinates the efforts between law enforcement, victim service providers, and community members to prevent and respond to trafficking in persons.
Sharon Neumeister, RN, MA and LAF for the St Louis area associates, provided an opening reflection/introduction on her recent border trip with the Mercy Justice team to El Paso/Juarez, Mexico.
A special thank you to Mercy Associate, Diane Overschmidt, along with the Advocacy & Education Team for coordinating the event and Catherine’s Residence for hosting.