Prayer Requests

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(Prayer requests are uploaded daily, Monday – Friday at 9:00 AM NYC Time.)

  • Friday, July 28, 2023

    Pray for my daughter in law’s mother, Florence, who has cancer in her intestines as well as serious vision problems. Thank you, Ruth Payer, Associate.

  • Thursday, July 27, 2023

    For the repose of the soul of Sue Bankston and comfort for her family and friends.    Paulette Williams

    For a job promotion at her work for my sister, Lisa.   Rose Marie Tresp

    Please pray in thanksgiving for successful brain surgery for my friend, Chris Gillespie.  Thank you, The Francisco’s

  • Wednesday, July 26, 2023

    There are no prayer requests for today.

  • Tuesday, July 25, 2023

    Please pray for Beth Franks who will begin treatment for Bladder Cancer.  Thank you – John Mc Loughlin.

    Please pray for my cousin’s young daughter, Veronique Laundre, who recently had surgery at CHOP to remove a brain tumor. She will be undergoing chemotherapy in the coming weeks.

    For my nephew, Billy Hair who was shot and killed over memorial day weekend without provocation while walking home.

    Healing of mind and emotions for my son Kenneth.

    Please pray for the soul of my brother-in-law, Gary Lassandrello, who passed away this morning. He had cancer surgery last week and was doing well. This morning, though, he had two massive heart attacks and is now in God’s loving arms. He was one of the nicest people I’ve known.

    Please pray for Cindy, sister to Associate Pat Murphy. Cindy is facing several challenges and is need of prayerful support at this time.

    Please keep the Rochester Sisters and Associates in prayer as we grieve the loss of Sister Arlene Semensky and Sister Joanne Deck. Keep in prayer the healing and comfort of two other Sisters who were injured in the same car accident.

    A dear friend, Mario Frangella, is being treated for Pancreatic Cancer. Please pray for his continued strength and recovery, as well as his family who have been by his side.

  • Monday, July 24, 2023

    Sarah McLeod was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer and has been receiving treatment. Now cancer has been found in her femur, so chemo and radiation will begin. This wonderful woman with 6 children, a daily Communicant, and former student of S Jeannine Curley needs your prayers.

  • Friday, July 21, 2023

    There are no prayer requests for today.

  • Thursday, July 20, 2023

    Please pray for S. Jeannine Curley’s dear friend who has just been diagnosed with aggressive uterine cancer and a suspicious spot on the lung. She will have surgery on July 31.   Paulanne Diebold.

  • Wednesday, July 19, 2023

    Please pray for 2-month-old, Oslo Nelson, the Nelson family, and the surgery team. Oslo is scheduled for heart surgery on July 27. Thank you, Jane Winterson, RSM.

    Prayer request that St. Michael defend all the participants’ souls from ugly divisions and abject ostracism. Thank you, Judy Sullivan.

    Please keep Mercy Associate Tylia Barnes in your prayers as she mourns the loss of her father Warren Boone who died on Friday, July 14, 2023. Pray for Ty, her three sons and their extended family. Thank you.

  • Tuesday, July 18, 2023

    There are no prayer requests for today.

  • Monday, July 17, 2023

    Joe Christian, brother of Tom Christian that worked with me at Mercy High School and the closing of the school etc. died very suddenly of heart issues.  He was able to see Joe before his sudden death.  He asks prayers for Joe and his family at this difficult time.  Cherie Thibodeaux, Associate.