Prayer Requests
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(Prayer requests are uploaded daily, Monday – Friday at 9:00 AM NYC Time.)
Monday, September 25, 2023
Please pray for Josie’s sister on hospice. Healing now or total healing in heaven’s glory. Thank you, Tina Geiger.
Prayers for the healing of my son Lee who has been on IV antibiotics for an infection for 3 weeks that they my find the correct one that will bring wellness. Thank you, Carol Dalglish.
Please pray for our associate and friend, Judy Caswell. Thank you, Nanette.
Friday, September 22, 2023
Please pray for my friend, Don Keegan, SJ, as he currently struggles with challenging health issues. Thank you very much! Donna Conroy, RSM
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Prayers requested for the parents and family of Anthony Dale Broadway (14 years of age) who committed suicide. Thank You, Associate John McLoughlin.
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
Please pray for the newborn baby of Lindsay Ray who has serious liver issues. Sister Cheryl Erb, RSM.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
There are no prayer requests for today.
Monday, September 18, 2023
A young family friend, Audrey, was recently diagnosed with leukemia and is requesting prayers for recovery. Thank you, Laura Reicks.
Mr. Reily needs prayers… he’s very sick. Thank you, Tina Geiger.
Please pray for my cousin, Lee Ingold, who died. Also pray for my cousin, Bill Farinas, who will have surgery on Monday, September 18, 2023. Thank you, Donna Pittman.
Friday, September 15, 2023
There are no prayer requests for today.
Thursday, September 14, 2023
There are no prayer requests for today.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Sr. Marian ‘s niece’s friend survived brain surgery . She is presently in a coma state awaiting brain swelling to recede. Prayers for her continued healing. Thank you, Tina Geiger.
Please pray for Katie Wright Resavage who will have kidney transplant surgery today in Pittsburgh. She has a serious kidney disease and the prognosis, without this transplant, is not good. Pray also for her husband and 3 children during this difficult time. Thank you, Kathleen Wayne.
Tuesday, September 12, 2023
There are no prayer requests for today.